After a somewhat shaky start, Appelgate is ready to prove that she means business… Again. From Kelly Bundy to leading the way in Jesse, she’s never left us in doubt that she’s got the comic streak. Now with one of the season’s most anticipated half hour new shows, we’ve got a fresh jumpy, big smiles, and crazy Samantha to un-wind to on Monday nights (with take away chineese food… it just seemed to fit).
Based on the amount of promotion put into this show prior to airing the pilot I would expect that ABC are hoping for at least a couple of seasons with steady numbers. While it’s certainly no Friends, Samantha’s definitely got potential. I just wish Appelgate would bring in some good old Jesse co-stars. I miss them…
There are definitely humourous moments, and there’s a long term storyline embedded somewhere. Plus, the focus is on Appelgate at all times, and whilst some of the back-up characters are feeling a little weak (no comments on the actors, who are doing fine) at the moment I can agree to write that off as early-show issues. Bottom line? There’s no denying that the girl can be funny, or that the show has potential to generate a steady stream of viewers, but in the end she can’t hold up the whole concept herself. The rest of the cast needs to put in their two cents as well, or rather their characters do…
Classic of the week: “Old me was a bitch!” Samantha
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