Been catching up with some of the Seattle Grace's going ons, and I must say season four is not quite as desperate as I had thought (remember the 'three seasons and the show's pretty much, usually, dead' posting). In fact, there are high points. Especially when you've taken a long (long!) break from the dramz that is surgeons and on-call rooms on eve tv...
Bailey (Chandra Wilson) is amazing, love her. But I did want to smack her (and had to pause the player repeatedly) when she turned into that blubbering awe-struck teen in front of what's-his-face jock from her high school days. Did love the resolution where we find out McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey) too wore a band uniform in high school, and had acne issues. Yes, high school is... interesting.
Izzie (Katherine Heigl)/George (T.R. Knight) Well... And beware those of you who haven't gotten past eppi seven/eight (SPOILERS), but this one had me all confused. I thought George and Callie were pretty much over from the start, but their storyline was interesting. Got old towards the end though. Oh, and I just love Callie (Sara Ramirez), I mean her entrance into the show involves dancing around in her 'home' in the cellar of the hospital as the chief walks in, plus she's sassy in a more believable way.
But... The coupling, well, could've worked. But they're just so perfect as just best friends it definitely seems like it could've gotten awkward. Still, lucky girl... And as far as Izzie's storyline go, I think she could really carry some more hefty (=juicy) character backstories come-to-life. We already see it happening with the 'not friends like Mer and Christina' comments, and the 'trailerpark' references.
Meridith (Ellen Pompeo)/Christina (Sandra Oh).... I just had to say, I love em both... in all their dark and twisted ways, both of them (!), love them. Even though both characters are worn out and more often than not evoke strange desires to smack them over the head... Why! Why is it fair that Mer has to have abandonment issues big enough to twart McDreamy happy-ever-afterness? What does that leave for the rest of us twisted personas? *sad smile* And Christina needs to punch Hahn. Mostly just because that'd be an awsome showdown. Oh *pictures*. Plus, someone needs to put the new Burke in place.
And there's the other thing. Are we missing Burke (Isaiah Washington)? Are we, really? Because, while him and Christina had their moments of wow ness I think their time ran out... a bit. And, well, it's all going quite well... Right?
Oh, and I hear saucy gossip that Kate (Walsh) is returning for an episode to come in the spring (date's not been set cause the eppi's not been scripted out fully yet). Oh Addison, bringing in the comedy and the drama.
So basically, the fourth season doesn't suck. It'll never reach the peak of the 'Denny dying while Izzie frantically shoves her career down the pipe to save him' arc back in season two/three (early), but hey... It doesn't suck. And it's evolved. And they're all older, bossier, and tragic, and they shout a lot and make dumb decisions and have lots of open heart surgeries.
P.S. Madeleine Zima's guest apperance (as Marissa during the 'high school sucks' episode) as the pretty realistic best friend of 'pencil in my eye' guy was fantastic, can't wait to see more of her (in leading roles!)...
George: "Izzie, did you only shave one of your legs?"
Izzie: (starts crying again) "Yes!"
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