My friend just forwarded me this tragic and provocative piece off a LiveJournal blog (sorry, haven't found the original link yet, but it's been passed around a lot so...).
Read and reflect-
"I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday
I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.
I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
I am the man who fears that I will never be able to be myself, to be free of this secret because I won't risk loosing my family and friends.
We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.
I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didnt have to always deal with society hating me.
I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.
I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends im a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them.
I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson"
Thoughts anyone? Funny how people are, at the end of the day, the least accepting and most judgemental kind walking this planet. To think that some people would be considered of different value because of their looks, thoughts, or feelings. And to realize that so many people out there DO value their peers differently. How is that for a 21st century on-going tragedy?
xo xo
June 16, 2008
June 15, 2008
GG proves a point
Adorable Connor Paolo, who plays lil' bro Eric Van Der somethingorother on the CWs teen drama Gossip Girl, has had an interesting twist for his character as of late. Although Schwartz has lost some (a lot) of that initial hardcore teen drama touch he had with early OC (and early GG episodes too), Connor's performance as well as the writing of this brother-centered episode upped the enjoyment levels a notch.
Turns out, after many rumours, that Eric and Jenny was not going to happen after all, not since this boy with a maturity level far beyond his age had figured out his stance on his sexuality.
Cudos for adding a little frisky twist to the storylines, but also for not batting around with cliches too much when it comes to issues of this nature. Oh wait, they did that! Nonetheless, a good eppi.
The rest of the latter part of the season though? Well, in true Josh Schwartz fashion there was bitchyness, relapses, drama, and faltering storylines already in the first season. Repetitive doesn't always work in the long run. The UPs include Blair's storylines, Nate and Chuck's friendship in all it's loyal quirkyness, and hey Serena pulled a Marissa and 'killed' someone... only she didn't... and there were drugs... but she didn't actually... only she did... and then Dan... and the confusion... and then Ryan...
Oh, hang on. Which show was which again?
Anyhow... Let's hope the CW makes sure those producers spend a little less of the budget on the clothing and a little more on, well, refreshing the show. Teens need their weekly drama too, let's make it quality drama guys!
xo xo
ps. There's just something about him, and if you wanna see more of Connor's acting check out 'Alexander' (the movie), or the first hour at least. He plays young Alex, and get's to sit by Angelina Joile.
Chuck Bass,
Connor Paolo,
Eric van der Woodsen,
Gossip Girl,
Josh Schwarts,
teen shows
June 1, 2008
'No rest for the Wicked'
Apparently Mr. Kripke (aka master of the Supernatural land=) had wanted 'No rest for the wicked' as a tag line for the show from the very start.
Personally I think that'd have rocked. And a small selfish part of me keep thinking that if the CW had only caved on that (instead of 'ghosts just got sexy') we might not have had to endure the finale of season three. Because, you know, sure it was a mind blowing, beautiful (cinematography and dialogue and story wise), fast paced, classic SPN, dark, and cliffy episode. BUT it left millions of fans out there shell shocked and muttering words that held no meaning. CLIFFHANGER MUCH?
Don't worry, won't leave any spoilers here... Just saying. It was cruel and evil and plotted, and positively genious.
Course, they knew they'd been renewed. More importantly perhaps Eric's got a plan. A five year plan. And he knows where to take the show, thank whoever's watching, and we are not risking to fall into a tragic grey's pattern of back and forth and nothingness.
As for cast updates (look away if you're not up to date post 3.15) Bela Talbot has bowed out of the show for the last time. The character that didn't really bring much of anything that brought the storyline forward to the show got a graceful and, honestly, quite wicked ending. From the add-on that stirred such dramz in the fan circles, Bela is now running the chance of being remembered quite fondly as the antagonist and evil bitch lord that... well... you know. Hell hath no fury and all that. Furthermore Lauren Cohan did a great job throughout the season despite being thrown a role that wasn't even supposed to be re-occuring, and is headed for a great career... Looking forward to seeing her (in other settings).
As for Ruby and Bobby, they're both staying on. Katie and Jim have both put in nice performances over the year, and will continue to be re-occuring in season four.
All in all, the latter part (post 3.7 ish) of the third season had Supernatural steadily heading back to the cult classic's roots and by the very end we were back to the good ol' school Kripke ways of intensity, lore, and darkness, and of course the brothers. As one of the few shows actually heading in a steady direction ever since the pilot, the next two years of the five year plan promise to be just as addictive and high class.
Not to mention, will someone be giving Jensen Ackles an emmy, or a film role with Oscar promise, anytime soon? The man is underrated in the awards circles. Seriously, give him something big screen to chew on!
xo xo
Personally I think that'd have rocked. And a small selfish part of me keep thinking that if the CW had only caved on that (instead of 'ghosts just got sexy') we might not have had to endure the finale of season three. Because, you know, sure it was a mind blowing, beautiful (cinematography and dialogue and story wise), fast paced, classic SPN, dark, and cliffy episode. BUT it left millions of fans out there shell shocked and muttering words that held no meaning. CLIFFHANGER MUCH?
Don't worry, won't leave any spoilers here... Just saying. It was cruel and evil and plotted, and positively genious.
Course, they knew they'd been renewed. More importantly perhaps Eric's got a plan. A five year plan. And he knows where to take the show, thank whoever's watching, and we are not risking to fall into a tragic grey's pattern of back and forth and nothingness.
As for cast updates (look away if you're not up to date post 3.15) Bela Talbot has bowed out of the show for the last time. The character that didn't really bring much of anything that brought the storyline forward to the show got a graceful and, honestly, quite wicked ending. From the add-on that stirred such dramz in the fan circles, Bela is now running the chance of being remembered quite fondly as the antagonist and evil bitch lord that... well... you know. Hell hath no fury and all that. Furthermore Lauren Cohan did a great job throughout the season despite being thrown a role that wasn't even supposed to be re-occuring, and is headed for a great career... Looking forward to seeing her (in other settings).
As for Ruby and Bobby, they're both staying on. Katie and Jim have both put in nice performances over the year, and will continue to be re-occuring in season four.
All in all, the latter part (post 3.7 ish) of the third season had Supernatural steadily heading back to the cult classic's roots and by the very end we were back to the good ol' school Kripke ways of intensity, lore, and darkness, and of course the brothers. As one of the few shows actually heading in a steady direction ever since the pilot, the next two years of the five year plan promise to be just as addictive and high class.
Not to mention, will someone be giving Jensen Ackles an emmy, or a film role with Oscar promise, anytime soon? The man is underrated in the awards circles. Seriously, give him something big screen to chew on!
xo xo
April 12, 2008
'The boat that rocked' open casting in Weymouth!
Open Casting sessions for 'The Boat that Rocked' at Weymouth, UK (southern part, the tip by the atlantic, you'll find it on the bottom of a England map) continues on Sunday 10AM-5PM at the Best Western Hotel Prince Regent. You'll find it by spotting the block-long cue of hopefulls waiting to get their picture taken and sign the address slip...
PS. Know how to swim if you're going...
The movie itself includes Philip Seymour-Hoffman (apologies for the spelling), Rhys Ifans (who knew him and Sienna were getting friendly?), and is focused on the somewhat partially potentially true story of a North Sea rocking radio station called 'Radio Rock'. It's directed by Richard Curtis, and honestly looks kind of promising. Shooting starts in May, so swing by and take a look around if you're in the area...
best of luck dearies
PS. Know how to swim if you're going...
The movie itself includes Philip Seymour-Hoffman (apologies for the spelling), Rhys Ifans (who knew him and Sienna were getting friendly?), and is focused on the somewhat partially potentially true story of a North Sea rocking radio station called 'Radio Rock'. It's directed by Richard Curtis, and honestly looks kind of promising. Shooting starts in May, so swing by and take a look around if you're in the area...
best of luck dearies
Richard Curtis,
The Boat that Rocked,
Re-newed television dramas
In case anybody missed...
Here's a list of who's back and, well, you'll figure out the rest... Sad news there, Prison Break will return. Why?! Why not let the poor show rest in peace already. It's over, out, done... 90210 was more interesting by it's fourth season. Actually, by the tenth, which is saying something...
In other news, Supernatural is also back, yay... Celebrate like happy people...
Here's a list of who's back and, well, you'll figure out the rest... Sad news there, Prison Break will return. Why?! Why not let the poor show rest in peace already. It's over, out, done... 90210 was more interesting by it's fourth season. Actually, by the tenth, which is saying something...
In other news, Supernatural is also back, yay... Celebrate like happy people...
re-newed dramas,
TV updates
March 5, 2008
OTH- Running to stand still s5e13
Hm… I actually have to say I’m impressed with OTH’s new season. There’s a lot of the old worn-out drama there which, yeah, get’s a bit boring the fiftieth time around. But in last night’s (ep 10) episode the Haley and Nathan scenes made up for a lot of that. Plus, Q is really growing on me (I can’t believe I said that…).
Being a fan of gorgeous Bethany Joy Lenz/Galeotti’s musical aspirations I have a lot of respect for her in whatever undertakings she ventures into, and as far as the role of Haley I loved her portrayal from the start (although I think the writing changed her character pretty drastically pretty quickly… perhaps not always for the better). Lenz/Galeotti’s interactions with on-screen hubby (as of the moment) Nathan Scott (played by James Lafferty, the formerly youngest member of the cast), and the Naley-couplings strong fan base support, has obviously become quite the pillar in the show as well. Last night, though, that pillar once more suffered a blow. And this time, the question is if the writers are trying to bring in more spices by tearing them apart (again… although they haven’t got the track record of the Peyton-Lucas-Brooke triangle. The last lines of that eppi, and the play out of those scenes sorta confirmed the shift into the ‘grown up’ world as opposed to the teenage dramz that colored the series for four seasons.
As far as the rest of the 10th episode of season five, it was alright. Dan (Paul Johansson) was back, and as always the creepy slightly insane and sneakily malicious voice of the Scott brother’s daddy dearest seemed like a lost member of the team that had come back home. The guy nails the role a bit too well (although, come on, give the man a break. Have him parolled and make him turn out really evilly in that sneaky way. Like, really really turn around).
Peyton (Hillarie Burton) did some verbal tango with her former boss and defended her label and only artist, yay. Brooke (Sophia Bush) brought the bar tender to NY to show off her business and real estate, but ended up running across good old Rachel (Daneel Harris), whom I actually came to love in all her wicked ways. I mean come on, you crash your car over a bridge, almost hook up with Mouth, almost steal the cheer squad from Brooke and end up the cause of a fist fight (that was her, right?), and then get expelled, and then… Well, she was nice. In a whirl-windy slightly insane way. Just, please, have her say other lines than “I don’t wanna be alone” while pouting next time, kay? Great and not (really) a too surprising twist of her storyline but… I’m pretty sure there could’ve been more acting and lines thrown in that direction.
Ok, main point though. Nanny Carrie (doesn’t that just sound like one of the original Carrie sequels?) is the evil bitch version of Dan. Lindsay was… Where the he*l was she? I missed her non-tree-hilly ness! And Jamie (Jackson) was adorably awesome as always (dude, he’s how old?). And, the big pressing issue is how serious the ‘D’ word was at the end of the episode… Tune in to find out. Eh…
Well come on guys, this isn’t exactly The OC. It’s a guilty pleasure... one of a few. Many. Alright whatever, it pops on every once in a while and every once in a while it rocks (actually, that happens at least for a few lines every other eppi).
P.S. The CW has officially announced a sixth season is ordered.
One Tree Hill,
season five
March 4, 2008
Grey's... season four
Been catching up with some of the Seattle Grace's going ons, and I must say season four is not quite as desperate as I had thought (remember the 'three seasons and the show's pretty much, usually, dead' posting). In fact, there are high points. Especially when you've taken a long (long!) break from the dramz that is surgeons and on-call rooms on eve tv...
Bailey (Chandra Wilson) is amazing, love her. But I did want to smack her (and had to pause the player repeatedly) when she turned into that blubbering awe-struck teen in front of what's-his-face jock from her high school days. Did love the resolution where we find out McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey) too wore a band uniform in high school, and had acne issues. Yes, high school is... interesting.
Izzie (Katherine Heigl)/George (T.R. Knight) Well... And beware those of you who haven't gotten past eppi seven/eight (SPOILERS), but this one had me all confused. I thought George and Callie were pretty much over from the start, but their storyline was interesting. Got old towards the end though. Oh, and I just love Callie (Sara Ramirez), I mean her entrance into the show involves dancing around in her 'home' in the cellar of the hospital as the chief walks in, plus she's sassy in a more believable way.
But... The coupling, well, could've worked. But they're just so perfect as just best friends it definitely seems like it could've gotten awkward. Still, lucky girl... And as far as Izzie's storyline go, I think she could really carry some more hefty (=juicy) character backstories come-to-life. We already see it happening with the 'not friends like Mer and Christina' comments, and the 'trailerpark' references.
Meridith (Ellen Pompeo)/Christina (Sandra Oh).... I just had to say, I love em both... in all their dark and twisted ways, both of them (!), love them. Even though both characters are worn out and more often than not evoke strange desires to smack them over the head... Why! Why is it fair that Mer has to have abandonment issues big enough to twart McDreamy happy-ever-afterness? What does that leave for the rest of us twisted personas? *sad smile* And Christina needs to punch Hahn. Mostly just because that'd be an awsome showdown. Oh *pictures*. Plus, someone needs to put the new Burke in place.
And there's the other thing. Are we missing Burke (Isaiah Washington)? Are we, really? Because, while him and Christina had their moments of wow ness I think their time ran out... a bit. And, well, it's all going quite well... Right?
Oh, and I hear saucy gossip that Kate (Walsh) is returning for an episode to come in the spring (date's not been set cause the eppi's not been scripted out fully yet). Oh Addison, bringing in the comedy and the drama.
So basically, the fourth season doesn't suck. It'll never reach the peak of the 'Denny dying while Izzie frantically shoves her career down the pipe to save him' arc back in season two/three (early), but hey... It doesn't suck. And it's evolved. And they're all older, bossier, and tragic, and they shout a lot and make dumb decisions and have lots of open heart surgeries.
P.S. Madeleine Zima's guest apperance (as Marissa during the 'high school sucks' episode) as the pretty realistic best friend of 'pencil in my eye' guy was fantastic, can't wait to see more of her (in leading roles!)...
George: "Izzie, did you only shave one of your legs?"
Izzie: (starts crying again) "Yes!"
Grey's Anatomy,
season four
Supernatural re-newed for Fourth Season!
Big (and official) news!!!! SPN aka Supernatural will return with a fourth season sometime in the fall, the CW has announced. It is being re-newed along with Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Smallville, and America's next top model to name a few (check out the list here or here).
Great news for the fans who've been worrying throughout the strike. The show which has developed quite the cultish fan base around the world (dude, who get's more conventions in their schedules than these guys? Okay, seriously, don't answer that, I was just trying to make a point) will also be back for a couple (four) of episodes in circa April where among other things we'll have blair witch style/ghostbusters in reality show format comedy with the guys who asked the vital question back in season one, WWB (what would buffy do)? I feel so bad for knowing that *look guilty*. The big Dean-going-off-to-hell arc will also recieve a good deal of focus, and the last eppi is (DON'T READ IF YOU FEAR RELATIVELY OBVIOUS SPOILERS) supposed to center on his last day...
Lovely.... *grins expectantly*
Great news for the fans who've been worrying throughout the strike. The show which has developed quite the cultish fan base around the world (dude, who get's more conventions in their schedules than these guys? Okay, seriously, don't answer that, I was just trying to make a point) will also be back for a couple (four) of episodes in circa April where among other things we'll have blair witch style/ghostbusters in reality show format comedy with the guys who asked the vital question back in season one, WWB (what would buffy do)? I feel so bad for knowing that *look guilty*. The big Dean-going-off-to-hell arc will also recieve a good deal of focus, and the last eppi is (DON'T READ IF YOU FEAR RELATIVELY OBVIOUS SPOILERS) supposed to center on his last day...
Lovely.... *grins expectantly*
4th season,
CW pickups,
Gossip Girl,
One Tree Hill,
strike episodes,
Supernatural returns
Fanfiction/parody ala Supernatural (Abridged series)
A friend sent me the link to the Abridged series version of the Supernatural Hookman (s1e7) eppi... And I must say it was quite funny at times. Bare with the first two pages and it get's pretty awsome. Especially love pyromaniacal Dean...
Enjoy kids =)
Enjoy kids =)
Eric Kripke,
Sera Gamble,
March 3, 2008
Gone baby Gone
"Based on the Dennis Lehane novel about two Boston area detectives investigating a little girl's kidnapping, which ultimately turns into a crisis both professionally and personally."
First off, gone baby gone. Ben Affleck feel down to the very core, and in a good way too. It’s the Good Will Hunting thing that’s come back to sparkle, granted though not to the same extent.
The film is based on a book (by Dennis Lehane) so complaining of the story would really make this more of a book review. The re-write to script works fine, well suited to the director and the cast. Casey Affleck (Patrick Kenzie) works perfectly in the role as he-doesn’t-look-a-day-over-25-investigator, and everyone down to the extras feel authentic. The mother of the missing girl (who has an un-canny resemblance to missing Madeleine, aka Europe’s heart ache girl who went missing from a hotel in Portugal almost a year ago) is perfect for the role, and a little too convincing in the ending scene where her priorities seem back to being… questionable but reflections of her life experiences.
Wow, that sounded awfully defensive. Don’t take it that way though.
The only real issues I have with this film relate to the answers we get towards the end. The un-folding of the plot after a certain point felt, at the time of watching, a bit un-realistic. However, while writing this and reminiscing in the scenes I realize it’s grown on me rather than the opposite. Then there is Michelle Monaghan (aka Angie Genarro and Casey’s character’s girlfriend and partner in missing-persons cases). Cute girl, probably an awsome actress, but at times I wonder what her role is in the movie except to make the first bar scene logical (threat to the damsel), fill out and ask some of the questions, act as emotional buffer. Her character seems to have a lot more depth and potential than shines through in the film (perhaps the book depicts her differently, perhaps the length of the movie simply didn’t allow for those moments to be included).
All in all, the movie was nice to watch (apart from the whole ‘god no, not the kid’ issue). Definitely one of the better releases of late, with a lot more old school depth and dramaturgy than some of it’s fellows in time. While the hype around We own the night for example out-did this one by far, Gone baby gone works the shoots and the emotional development of the storyline (a bit too many quick cuts between sights of the neighborehood though, but it’s workable).
As far as controversy goes bthw (beyond kimmel f*ing the director), the movie was not released in certain parts of England according to rumors because of the Madeleine case which remains unsolved.
All in all, it’s more than a good job. Not an awsome 'oh wow my hands are shaking' job, but definitely good and intriguing and once you put it on you’ll want to see it through even though you may have issues with some turns of events or the way Casey drawls his ‘h’s.
First off, gone baby gone. Ben Affleck feel down to the very core, and in a good way too. It’s the Good Will Hunting thing that’s come back to sparkle, granted though not to the same extent.
The film is based on a book (by Dennis Lehane) so complaining of the story would really make this more of a book review. The re-write to script works fine, well suited to the director and the cast. Casey Affleck (Patrick Kenzie) works perfectly in the role as he-doesn’t-look-a-day-over-25-investigator, and everyone down to the extras feel authentic. The mother of the missing girl (who has an un-canny resemblance to missing Madeleine, aka Europe’s heart ache girl who went missing from a hotel in Portugal almost a year ago) is perfect for the role, and a little too convincing in the ending scene where her priorities seem back to being… questionable but reflections of her life experiences.
Wow, that sounded awfully defensive. Don’t take it that way though.
The only real issues I have with this film relate to the answers we get towards the end. The un-folding of the plot after a certain point felt, at the time of watching, a bit un-realistic. However, while writing this and reminiscing in the scenes I realize it’s grown on me rather than the opposite. Then there is Michelle Monaghan (aka Angie Genarro and Casey’s character’s girlfriend and partner in missing-persons cases). Cute girl, probably an awsome actress, but at times I wonder what her role is in the movie except to make the first bar scene logical (threat to the damsel), fill out and ask some of the questions, act as emotional buffer. Her character seems to have a lot more depth and potential than shines through in the film (perhaps the book depicts her differently, perhaps the length of the movie simply didn’t allow for those moments to be included).
All in all, the movie was nice to watch (apart from the whole ‘god no, not the kid’ issue). Definitely one of the better releases of late, with a lot more old school depth and dramaturgy than some of it’s fellows in time. While the hype around We own the night for example out-did this one by far, Gone baby gone works the shoots and the emotional development of the storyline (a bit too many quick cuts between sights of the neighborehood though, but it’s workable).
As far as controversy goes bthw (beyond kimmel f*ing the director), the movie was not released in certain parts of England according to rumors because of the Madeleine case which remains unsolved.
All in all, it’s more than a good job. Not an awsome 'oh wow my hands are shaking' job, but definitely good and intriguing and once you put it on you’ll want to see it through even though you may have issues with some turns of events or the way Casey drawls his ‘h’s.
January 23, 2008
Random posting… 'The company'
If you have been watching a lot of the ‘conspiracy among us’ shows out there you might have started to notice a couple of re-occuring developments. There is always one big bad shady business with an even shadier past which keeps getting more and more intricate until even the story tellers mix things up. This firm is most often represented by a middleaged/older character with common attributes that we would not normally think twice about, but in this case these attributes become almost notoriously well known (like, say, the horn rimmed glasses). And of course our heroes, they all have gray scales and dark sides, they are targeted by what initially appears to be random badness but turns out to be closely connected with their backgrounds.
My personal favourite among these has for the past three years been Prison Break (starring Wentworth Miller and Dominic Prucell amidst others). Season one had little brother Michael Scofield put himself in a prison in order to be able to break out big brother Lincoln Burrows who, as it happened, was sitting on death row convicted of the murder of the vice president’s brother.
Of course, Lincoln was innocent as overly focused and smart (but slightly damaged and with a shitty background) Michael soon figured out. The engineer aka little brother put blue print tattoes all over his upper body and cleverly begun forming a plan to bust his brother out. Love is in the air fellas… And really, who could resist that concept?
Slowly but surely the conspiracy became clear, and well into season two the audience was already familiar with that vague but oh so meaningful term: ‘the company’. The shady firm had a name, a quite general and, well, gray name but nonetheless.
While logic and reason spiralled away rapidly towards the end of season two this show survived into a third season where the consiracy as well as the prison busting has reached new heights (or lows… depending on the perspective), but the audience is not as devoted any more. The angsty cliffhangers at the end of each episode just don’t hold the same desperate ‘I need to know what happens next’ sensation as they did throughout season one.
Still though, back to the red thread of the evil mysterious company. And onto another recent hit, Heroes.
The ensamble casts of both these shows has also been part of the success ingredients. Personally I think the brotherly aspect was what really pulled viewers in during season one, but the ensamble development was what kept them around during season two (when the brotherly connection begun loosening up). Heroes on the other hand has since day one been all about the group and the very different characters.
Season one held mystery and suspence as a scientists son came to New York to find answers regarding the truth in his father’s theories about evolution, Hiro from Japan travelled through time and space to be a hero and save a city from blasting to smitherins, Jessica/Niki battled multiple personalities (one of them murderous) and tried to keep the family together, and brothers Petrelli approached the un known from different perspectives. Yes, the brother factor again. Seems to be quite the re occuring success ingredient huh, and I must admit it draws in a crowd.
Ok ok, getting off topic again. So onto it then. There was something a bit off here, people with these special abilities (paint the future, hear thoughts, fly, bend the space continum), these future heroes, kept getting targeted both by a maniacal superpower collector who killed them and some big organization who appeared to enjoy treating them like occasionally dangerous lab rats a bit too much. And of course this organization soon became represented by one man (remember that in prison break we had several, the vice president, the asian man, the silent man), the man with the horn rimmed glasses. Also nown as cheerleder Claire’s (Hayden Panettiere) father.
Now, I didn’t think much of it as a conspiracy of crazies trying to keep these heroes under control, or some of them maybe even wanting the random blowing up of the city to occur, as it was another re occuring recipe that seemed to work alright. Then they started referring to it as ‘The company’.
Really? Guys? Imagination? Or is it some kind of internal thing I’m just not supposed to get. Or is it on purpose, a sorta general gray zone name that rings ‘evil’ and ‘danger’ so deeply it just has to be used, again and again in different scenarios.
Even though the storylines are still holding together (occasionally… somewhat) I’d say that ‘the company’ is loosing it’s impressive meaning. Everytime I hear it nowadays I feel a giggle coming on. I don’t do giggling. But it’s there, threatening, everytime. It just seemes so blatant, and maybe I’m wrong and way off here, but I wish they’d have had a few more names. Hey, maybe ‘evil empire of crazies’, or ‘big bad organization’, or ‘the horn rimmed glasses inc.’ Now that last one, that’d have scared me. Imagine their promotional campaign? *shudder*
Mood: randomly expressing thoughts in responce to having just finished watching Prison Breaks’ latest eppi… I miss the brooding Michael. I miss the desperation. I even miss Bagwell’s nasty comments. I miss that damned edge… Get them on the run again, or get some serious twists and actions that can’t be foreseen two hours ahead. I’ll just shut up now, cause we all know I’ll keep watching…
Dominic Prucell,
Hayden Penettiere,
Prison Break,
The Company,
Wentworth Miller
January 22, 2008
Heath Ledger is dead
Heath Ledger was found dead in NYC at his downtown Manhattan residence by his housekeeper around 3.26 p.m. on Tuesday.
The established and amazingly talanted actor was born on 4 April 1979, Australia, and died on the 21 January 2008. He leaves behind a family which includes a beautiful baby girl, Matilda, with ex Michelle Williams.
Recent projects include the coming Batman film, The Dark Knight where his performance as the Joker (a role previously done by Jack Nicholson) has already reaped a lot of praise and left audiences around the world excitedly anticipating the release date.
His resume of course also includes Brookeback Mountain, the amazingly touching and emotional film about two cowboys who fell in love with each other against the odds and against the norms of the world they lived in. Presumably his performance and the role as it was written will stick out as some of his most memorable achievements. It was a brave role to take, he did a great job, and he recieved a lot of respect and admiration around the world for it.
He's also to be recognized in films like Ten things I hate about you (which was hillarious, come on you've gotta love the singing on the bleechers scene), Casanova, and a stint in The Patriot.
A great actor, a person deserving a lot of respect for his art and his actions, and a name that'll live on in Hollywood. It SUCKS that things like this happens, that people leave the world far too soon. He will be greately missed, as will his precense in the world of arts. May he rest in peace...
January 16, 2008
Sarah Connor Chronicles- The mother of all destiny (eppi1&2)
In the midst of a coming dry spell on television a new FOX series featuring a continuation of the first two Terminator movies provides a shred of light. Personally my hopes for this project first took off when I heard David Nutter was producing and directing (the guy who directed the Supernatural pilot). Plus I always had a childhood crush on the Terminator series.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles revolve around the mother and son we left to their fates back in T2. Sarah (here played by Lena Heady, and back in the movie portrayed by Linda Hamilton ) and her kid John (played by Thomas Dekker, you’ll recognize his face from the first season of Heroes) are now fighting to survive and remain under the radar. Sarah herself has spent time at a mental institution for telling the truth about the future (machines take over, 3 billion dead, ladida, Arnold-machines saying things like ‘I’ll be back’). In the pilot mommy Connor freaks out after a dream where John ends up shot, and ups and moves the little family from her would-be fiance.
So they head to Texas where John goes to school and meets an odd but pretty girl. The next day, voila, the step-in teacher rips up his own leg, pulls out a gun, and starts shooting at our boy, the future leader of mankind… Or something along those lines. Actually he shoots the pretty girl too, only she turns out to be bit more mechanical than averege and saves John from a messy parking lot death by ramming a truck into the teacher from the future.
Right, so basically they start running, end up time travelling over to 2007 (yep, story starts back in 99), and the adventure and strive to make sure Sygate (that badass computer system that pretty much brings about apocalypse) is never created begins. Oh the fun.
I have to be honest. Apart from the robots, the flashy eyes, the gun fights, and the general ass kicking the show promises, the biggest draw-in for me was the fact that the story centered on this little trio of characters with so much potential beyond the ordinary cliches of drama. This is an action series with humanity.
Cameron, robogirl played by Summer Glau, does an good job so far as a slightly more human machine. In the fight scenes you can catch glimpses of the actress failing to not blink or reacting instinctively to a blow, but at the same time you see those dull eyes, that focus, and the always so creepy crooking of the head in response to a statement or action that just does not entirely make sense to ‘her’.
Ah the possibilities… Obviously a romance between John and Cam aka tincan would be complicated, which is wonderful because that leaves so much more room for angst and a whole lot of fight scenes and general terminator mood. Sarah’s character has interesting depths and (!) non-depths that will be nice to explore. And of course, it is the Terminator series on TV. This can either go really pretty well or really very badly.
So far the start is rocky but with a direction. The writing seems a bit messy at times, like there is too much to explain, too much to be shown and said and done all at once to get a jump start into the real story, but overall it works and they have stayed true to the concept. The action is nicely performed. There is a good deal of speed and a whole lot of artistic qualities to the show. Now it just needs to keep getting better, and by next season this could well be a big hit.
As stated before I had a childhood crush on this series, but I really can’t recall much detail, so as far as accuracy and staying true to the movies goes I really have no clue at the moment. Will need a Terminator movie eve for that, and that just doesn’t fit into the schedule anytime soon. Feel free to drop comments on that issue though.
Oh, and the new identities thing, John explaining how his new self is from Lawrence, Kansas. Any other SPN fan who reacted to that? Just curious, really… All in all, exciting watch primarily because it has so much potential to grow into. I’ll definitely stay tuned.
Plus, check out that promo picture of Sarah (Lena Heady) holding the gun. Bad ass, and makes me proud of the girlies on screen.
David Nutter,
Lena Heady,
Sarah Connor Chronicles,
Summer Glau,
Thomas Dekker
January 14, 2008
Golden Globe winners
Here's the list of Golden Globe winners to be expecting mailed parcels with the fancy inside. Cause, you know, there're no awards. Cause of, you know, the writers strike... Yeah...
Actually kind of nice, isn't it? Plus, just think of all the money and extravaganca saved on not hosting this thing.
As for the actual winners... Well, I'll just shut up about it. The major high light, though, seems to be Sweeny Todd and Johnny Depp recieving some recognition. Still haven't actually benched down and seen it, but I will I will...
Actually kind of nice, isn't it? Plus, just think of all the money and extravaganca saved on not hosting this thing.
As for the actual winners... Well, I'll just shut up about it. The major high light, though, seems to be Sweeny Todd and Johnny Depp recieving some recognition. Still haven't actually benched down and seen it, but I will I will...
January 13, 2008
The Sarah Connor Chronicles premieres tonight!
The new series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles premieres on Sunday, January 13, 8/7c and you can catch the continuation already on Monday January 14, 9/8c on FOX.
Basically it's the continuation of Sarah and her son's story post T2. And it looks awsome. There's pleanty of fighting, there's guns blazing, all kinds of crazy machinery, a presumable ass kicking mother and son team, and of course the girl from Serenity, Summer Glau, (happiness) is back to portray Cameron, John's protector, and she just happens to be a machine... Oh the dramz and the action. Maybe there's hope for the TV world after all *grins*...
Check out the Sarah Connor Chronicle's blog with pleanty of photos and videos for more fun and randomness.
Oh and there's also a great interview clip over at, so head there and watch if you're up to it. Oh, and of course fest on the good old movies too.
FOX television,
Sarah Connor Chronicles,
Series premiere,
Supernatural fresh episodes Jan. 31st
Supernatural returns on Thursday of January 31st at 9/8c on The CW. Tune in, enjoy, and spread the word.
As for the rumors out there that SPN is being canned for Reaper, not true. Reaper will be airing in that time slot a bit later on, allowing the CW to put out all the fresh episodes they've got avaliable. SPN re-runs will probably be returning once Reaper is out of epis, and as for survival chances there have been indicators online (that low but steady buzzing sound you hear) that a fourth season is prob more likely for SPN than a re-newal for Life is Wild or alot of other shows...
Oh, and the ratings of the season shows SPN and Smallville beating Gossip Girl and Life is Wild once into the season.
Now let's only keep our fingers crossed for the writers strike to come to a swift and just end so that everyone can get back to work. Crews have been fired left and right, and as for the SPN's Vancouver based crew approximately 250 people were let go before the hollidays according to Kripke and Singer. Hopefully a majority of them can be re-hired once (if...) production starts up again in the winter/spring.
Fresh episodes,
Supernatural returns,
The CW,
writers strike
Vintage Kripke, Satan's head writer
Found a vintage (i.e. summer ala 2007) interview with Eric Kripke (creator/writer/producer/director of Supernatural) from the Comic Con event, wittily entitled Eric Kripke: Satan's Head Writer. It is hillarious, and a great fun read for the fans. He discusses (mentions) the turbulence behind the scenes for getting to season three (I'm guessing getting terms and cutting deals with the CW people in suits), freaky coincidences, and what's up ahead.
Here're some extracts for you
Eric Kripke can top that. " Sometimes we worry that we're Satan's writer's room because we'll come up with something and it will happen in reality."
The joke hit a bit closer to home however, when Kripke's new baby boy was born on Sam Winchester's birthday! In the pilot episode of Supernatural, everything begins on the sixth month anniversary of Sam's birthday when the demon visits and kills Sam's mother.
"Yes, November 2 (his son's sixth month birthday) is going to be a very nervous day in our home. It's really troubling and weird and honestly a little scary."
"We did not know we were coming back. I would say we were hopeful, but Season Three was not a fait accompli by any means. Frankly, behind the scenes there was some fighting going on to make sure we came back but you can't let that affect your storytelling. I have to tell the story I want to tell, at the pace that I want to tell it and hope for the best."
"We have a show that is as cool as Battlestar, we just a happen to be on the same network as America's Next Top Model. But tune in because we're there and we'll have interesting conversations about death and revenge and immortality and suicide."
"We have the best fans in the world and we want to mobilize that army to tell their friends. We want to come back for Season Four but that's much more in the audience's hands than it is in ours. So tell your friends! Have parties!
And he even has a slogan you can use. "Come on in, the water's bloody."
Sounds like we have another exciting year in store for us at Supernatural!
For more, click here to read the whole thing.
Comic Con,
Eric Kripke,
The CW,
Vintage interview
January 12, 2008
AMPTP vs WGA- the dirty practices
So I was doing my daily update of Nikki Finke's deadline hollywood daily page, and I stumbled accross this very interesting posting about the AMPTP's bratty attempts at putting the WGA in a bad light. Now, obviously, both sides have had their moments of... less than admirable behaviour. But really, this one just seemed so desperate I almost feel the tinsiest bit sorry for the AMPTP people. No disrespect intended.
For example:
-->The other day, an AMPTP consultant tried to start a rumor that a WGA exec was connected to child pornography.
-->The AMPTP repeatedly lies that the WGA has "a $30 million PR fund" to spread public information about the strike when the reality is that the WGA's entire communications budget is several hundred thousand dollars.
Check out more goodies here, and have a nice little high pitched and terrified laugh. These are the people who need to sit down and actually make a deal with the WGA?
bratty war,
Deadline Hollywood Daily,
Nikki Finke,
writers strike
Speechless- Zach Braff
Adorable! *claps hands*
CAST: Zach Braff
CREATIVE TEAM: George Hickenlooper, Jill Kushner, Alan Sereboff, Justine Bateman, Dean Alioto, Steve Pink
MUSIC: Anthony Marinelli
TECHNICAL TEAM: Justin Shumaker, Dean Alioto, Robert Campbell, Chad Carter, Clint Bennett
CAST: Zach Braff
CREATIVE TEAM: George Hickenlooper, Jill Kushner, Alan Sereboff, Justine Bateman, Dean Alioto, Steve Pink
MUSIC: Anthony Marinelli
TECHNICAL TEAM: Justin Shumaker, Dean Alioto, Robert Campbell, Chad Carter, Clint Bennett
January 11, 2008
Ask Hillary
Oh, and this is in no way me taking a political stance... I just thought it was an interesting video, and it's nice seeing youtube used in this way.
Although you've gotta admit, she's got a convincing attitude about her as she speaks...
Although you've gotta admit, she's got a convincing attitude about her as she speaks...
Hillary Clinton,
The presidential election 2008
January 10, 2008
Why We Write- Damon Lindelof
The latest (hilarious and slightly insane, which is why we love them) Why we write quote, this time from Damon Lindelof, Co-Creator and Executive Producer of Lost.
"So that’s why I write.
I write because I can’t help but make things up.
I write because I love to tell stories.
I write because my imagination compels me to do so.
I write because if I didn’t, I’d be branded a pathological liar.
Oh, and also because I’m still trying to make my dead father proud of me.
But that’s none of your goddamn business."
Oh... It gives me such hope. I might not be insane after all? Eh *avoids sideways glances*
And yes, strike's still on. And now the FOX SUV employees are hitting Law & Order writers with their cars too...
"So that’s why I write.
I write because I can’t help but make things up.
I write because I love to tell stories.
I write because my imagination compels me to do so.
I write because if I didn’t, I’d be branded a pathological liar.
Oh, and also because I’m still trying to make my dead father proud of me.
But that’s none of your goddamn business."
Oh... It gives me such hope. I might not be insane after all? Eh *avoids sideways glances*
And yes, strike's still on. And now the FOX SUV employees are hitting Law & Order writers with their cars too...
Damon Lindelof,
WGA strike,
Why we write quotes
TV throwdown poll- Supernatural and OTH takes win (and they both return)
So, onto some news here. E Online's Kristin has been managing a TV throwdown poll where fns could vote for their favourite 2007 tv show. Turns out she wasn't quite expecting fans to go berserk, but the one tree hill and supernatural leagues did.
One tree hill scored a whoopping 28% and Supernatural got 29% of the votes of a total of about 100 shows. A new poll has now been posted where these two shows have been removed to give the other series a fair chance, but still this is good news. Both these shows have been in the gray zone regarding renewals before, and while fans all over the world are putting their will power together and craving a season four (...and five, and six, and seven if Kripke expresses the wish for it) of Supernatural and the remaining ten (un-filmed) episodes of One Tree Hill's season five nothing is for sure yet.
Thus, polls like these are great as they end up being considered and most of all noticed by those big bads holding the power of giving the 'go ahead' light.
And as for return dates, One Tree Hill is back on Tuesdays (starting with the double ep on the 9th), and Supernatural will take back Thursdays with a storm starting on the 31st of January (with four filmed episodes to be aired).
I gotta say I'm not a big fan of Kristin's interviews (there's just something... so gossipy about them), but her tv-addict blog is pleanty of fun and there's always the occasional scoupe. Check it out here.
E Online,
One Tree Hill,
return dates,
TV addict,
TV Throwdown poll
One Tree Hill- four years into the future
They're back. And the CW is celebrating. Because while last tuesdays double-episode was very well done, the Nielsen Live Plus ratings the next day were if possible even better. The premiere put The CW in second place overall in the Tuesday adults 18-34 and women 18-34 slot, behind NBC. The netwoork placed first that evening among total teens and female teen viewers.
As for the show... Well, honestly this has been my dirty little secret for a long time. I fell for the pilot, got bored with the Blucas dramz, and have been falling again every once in a while ever since. Yesterday we were taken four years ahead (from the high school grad finale), i.e. skipping the college years. Which was probably the wisest decision made on a teen show... ever.
The kids are young (21/22) adults, there's a kid involved (little Jamie Scott), there're careers peaking and barely moving, and the standard warmth and old school Steinbeck quoting feel to it remains. They aren't all successful, there is no bad start which immediately moves into a new storyline we've already followed, but at the same time the gang ends up back at home and they are moving their lives ahead. Some people have tasted success, but nothing is completely utterly impossible if you really think about it. Sure, they stretch the limits... alot. But it's a tv show.
In the end, hearing Lucas (Chad Michael Murray) and the rest of the cast doing their start-and-finish voice overs each episodes, drabbling about the philosophy of life and change, makes it work. It puts the show on another level... No 90210 or OC extravaganca here. Family, real friendships, and backstories, blended with a lot of good (although the whole K fed idea makes me very nervous... because of his singing range) music make this drama. Now let's just hope they don't jump too far into the Brooke-Lucas-Peyton triangle again... It's so over.
Plus, Paul Johansson (Dan Scott) directed, and that's always bound to be interesting at the very least. Good job Dan.
Oh and a big shout out on little mister Jackson Brundage who portrays four year old Jamie Scott (Haley and Nathan's kid). He does such a great job, delivers his lines so well, and just turns me into a blubbery mess... Adorable I say, just keep the kid in North Carolina or wherever and far from the Hollywood insanity work over dose. We all saw what happened to Culcin.
As for the strike's impact, the CW had apparently ordered 22 episodes for season five, but only 12 were shot before the WGA went a striking. The 12th episode also happens to be the 100th for OTH, so big celebrations ahead there. And what with fan reactions, who knows about a sixth season?
The non-political election
The first votes are in, and both Hillary and Obama were victorious. However, news reports were raving Obama's victory, while the chick was taunted with "awww... did the little girl cry?" statements.
This seems to have become a race increasingly focused on two things, skin color and sex. Apparently, the white house isn't ready to see a woman age (apparently her wrinkles are a danger to the politics of the US), and the black man really only needs to flaunt his racial heritage and voters swarm.
Could this election get any further from the issues at hand? Like, say, who has the most experience for taking on the role of president, who would be most secure in the role, and/or who is most prepared for the job (to reference to Clinton's statement of which of the candidates knew today what they would be doing the first day in the office?)? If we pick the chick we're being racist to the dude, if we pick the dude we're being sexist to the chick. Apparently, according to the media, right now picking the chick is worse... What does that say about us? And how sad doesn't that make us?
January 9, 2008
CAST: Jason and Justine Bateman
CREATIVE TEAM: George Hickenlooper, Alan Sereboff, Jill Kushner, Kamala Lopez, Michal Shemesh
MUSIC: Anthony Marinelli
TECHNICAL TEAM: Clint Bennett, Joel Marshall, Justin Shumaker, Chad Carter, Amy Gollnick
I love the fact that writers can't stay not-creative for long periods of time. GET THEM BACK TO WORK! And give them their fair deal, like yesterday...
Jason and Justine Bateman,
speechless campaign
January 2, 2008
Ten Inch Hero trailer
The new years gift from the kind folks behind Ten Inch Hero have put up an official trailer for the flick on youtube and their homepage.
It's a movie about Love, Sex, and Sandwiches Sold by the Inch...
Starring Elisabeth Harnois, Clea DuVall, Sean Patrick Flanery, Jensen Ackles, and Danneel Harris
With Alice Krige and John Doe
The film wasfinanced entirely by private equity secured by Brave New Films. They're still looking for a vendor guys, for someone to step up and make sure all of us out here get to take a part of it, so show your support by watching, commenting (via youtube) and spreading the word to your friends...
Happy new years bthw, hope 2008 treats you amazingle...
Brave New Films,
Danneel Harris,
Jensen Ackles,
Patrick Flanery,
Sandwiches by the inch,
Ten Inch Hero,
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